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What can PT help with?


Plagiocephaly, also referred to as flat head syndrome,

is an asymmetry or flat spot of an infant's head; it can cause misshaping of the head, as well as even shifting of the cheeks, eyes, and ears.  The prevalence of plagiocephaly has greatly increased since the  NICHD launched the Back to Sleep campaign in 1994.  Although Back to Sleep has and continues to have a  huge success in preventing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), it has contributed to the increased time infants experience increased pressure to the back of the skull while sleeping.  Plagiocephaly is now affecting almost 50% of infants by the time they are two months old.  The good news is it can be prevented and, if identified early, can be easily corrected.


Torticollis is a tilt and rotation of your infant's head caused by a tight neck muscle, the Sternocleidomastoid (SCM); it can be a result of positioning pre or post birth, muscle imbalances or tension, dysfunctional movement patterns.  Plagiocephaly is estimated to co-exist in up to 90% of infants with torticollis.  Left untreated, torticollis can contribute to vision or feeding delays, weightbearing challenges, asymmetries, scoliosis, low back pain, and even neglect of one side of the body.  

Happy Baby
Mother and Baby on Floor

Postural Asymmetries
Body Tension

Many causes can contribute to postural asymmetries and tension in a child, including tongue and lip ties, alignment issues, back sleeping, and containers.  As a result, your baby may be experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding / bottle feeding, positioning, sleeping, and movement.  Therapy will use manual and bodywork techniques, positioning, & massage to address what is contributing to your child's asymmetry / tension.

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